Earn BTC by locking STX

Hold and temporarily lock STX, Stacks’ native currency, and support the network’s security & consensus. As a reward, you’ll earn BTC.

Reward Yield

*Per last full cycle

What is Stacking?

Learn Clarity and leverage Bitcoin’s security and 
over $1T of economic power to build your app.

A way to earn Bitcoin

When you Stack, you’ll earn bitcoin that miners transfer as part of Proof of Transfer (PoX), Stacks’ unique consensus mechanism.

Simple, but flexible

Stacking providers make it easy for you to participate in a way that fits your needs.

Support the network

As a Stacker, you work together with Signers and participate in the Stacks protocol by validating and signing blocks.


stacking options

There are multiple ways to stack and earn bitcoin: on an exchange, in a non-custodial pool, or by yourself. Which way is right for you, depends on how experienced with crypto you are and how many STX you have available.

In a pool

These services will pool your Stacks with others and pay your rewards out at the end of each cycle. You can access these pools directly, and some are additionally available via Leather Earn.


New to crypto? These custodial exchanges will make Stacking easy for you. They’ll hold your STX for you and pool it together with other stackers.

Liquid Stacking

Leverage your Stacked STX throughout 
the ecosystem while continuing to earn Stacking rewards.

Institutions & large holders

Large Stacks holders may consider custody offerings from leaders in the digital asset management space.

On your own

If you have enough Stacks to meet the protocol minimum (generally above 100,000 STX), you can enter Stacking without joining a pool.