How to Earn Points and Yield on Stacks with stSTX


May 28, 2024
Idle STX doesn’t do much for holders as they don’t earn any rewards. Stacking DAO is the starting place for earning points and yield on Stacks. With stSTX, users earn Stacking rewards and Stacking DAO points. Moreover, depositing stSTX in DeFi also earns users: Additional Yield Faster Stacking DAO points generation DeFi projects points If you are a DeFi degen or a point hunter, here is a guide on earning points and yield from multiple projects simultaneously. 30% of stSTX is already in DeFi protocols, applying similar strategies. Stacking DAO — The Starting Point First of all, stSTX , the liquid representation of Stacked STX, is the most integrated token in Stacks DeFi. By depositing STX on Stacking DAO, you will receive stSTX, which enables: Auto-compounding Stacking rewards Earning 1 Stacking DAO point a day for each stSTX Interacting with DeFi apps to earn more points and yield Learn more about Stacking DAO here. stSTX in Stacks DeFi Protocols — The Fun Begins Once a user holds stSTX, the path to interact with other DeFi protocols to earn yield and points becomes straightforward. stSTX is already integrated with numerous Stacks DeFi apps, offering users a wide range of protocols to interact with: 1) Zest Protocol  — The lending and borrowing protocol on Stacks The benefits of depositing stSTX on Zest are multiple: Generate Stacking DAO points 50% faster (1.5 points daily) Accumulate Zest points - Every $1 earns users 1 Zest Point daily Earn yield from protocol borrowing fees More rewards and points can be earned using the collateral to borrow tokens and deploying the extra funds in Zest or the DeFi apps listed below . 2) Bitflow Finance  — The decentralized exchange for Bitcoiners stSTX-STX pool has been a key component for the rapid Bitflow TVL, and getting involved with the protocol is straightforward. First, users need to provide liquidity to the stSTX-STX pool, which can be done via single-sided liquidity (so you can deposit only STX or stSTX). Then, by escrowing the LP position through the Earn section, users get to enjoy: A 2.5x booster on Stacking DAO points 2 Bitflow points a day for LP token escrowed Trading fees generated by pool swaps 3) Hermetica Finance  — Options vaults with attractive APY Hermetica has on ongoing waitlist, meaning that not everyone can access it immediately. But for those that already have access, by depositing stSTX in Hermetica Earn Vault, they enjoy: 50% faster generation of Stacking DAO points (1.5 points daily) Earning Hermetica points An average 16.2% annualized return on STX ( historical performance) Conclusions If you are chasing points and yields within Stacks, Stacking DAO is one way to simplify the process. stSTX, by being the most integrated token in Stacks DeFi, offers an easy way to get exposure to DeFi protocols rewards. Finally, stSTX holders are incentivized to deploy in DeFi as they get to generate Stacking DAO points faster. Mint stSTX today and earn a 7% yield on your STX: Follow us on Twitter to always be up to date on Stacking DAO: For any questions or support, join our Discord community:


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